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The company is a sole proprietorship venture, Gideon Agenyegah Dream Ventures (GADV) was founded in May 2016 by Mr. Gideon Agbenyegah Sosu Jnr. Gideon Agenyegah Dream Ventures (GADV) Offers Information Communication Technology services and sales of Information Technology (Hardware and Software) products. Our services are known for the Installation of fire alarm systems, Supply of Firefighting equipment, CCTV camera Installation, Access doors system configuration, Electric Fence wiring and Repair and Building Software and installation, web marketing, Telephone services, Radio/TV Production Engineering, Rentals of Earth moving machines (Excavator, Pay loader, Roller Compactor etc.) We provide qualified operators and do Construction. To add up to our Portfolios for 2020 is the installation of HD Surveillance Camera, Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR), Document Management (Automation), File/Database Sharing among different databases, higher availability and Disaster Recovery solutions (servers/storage systems). We have the ability to manage successfully in Information Technology Solutions and in recommendation of designs, Strategy and Facility Management/monitoring of Datacenters, using Block Chain, AI (Artificial Intelligence and IoT (Internet of Things).
For the past years, we have successfully completed major works as engineers on site for the below listed companies-:
Deloitte (George Walker Bush Highway)
eni Ghana (Logistics base at Takoradi)
USAid Director Residence Cantoment
Golden Link Savings & Loans (Edum-Kumasi,Tesano Head Office and Abosu Okine Branch)
Glico group of Companies (Adabraka Head Office, Airport and Tema Branch)
Bond Savings and Loans (East Legon)
FAMasters (Accra and Kumasi) etc.
At GADV, it’s always a desire to meet the expectations of our client. A service maintenance contract from us saves you the stress of disappointments from competitors. We will give you a 60 days guarantee on repairs and new installations on gadget parts and labour. Our products meets the ISO/ IEC 2700 , which last long at a very reasonable and affordable price. We have a team of talented youth who are passionate to meet the needs of our clients. We are time bound and our customer satisfaction is our Hallmark.
CCTV, Fire Alarm FM200, Intruder Alarm, Biometric Time Attendance, Access Door Control and door Automation, Intruder Alarm Systems, Software App. Development and Web Marketing.