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Health is an essential value for all of us, and the search for treatments and cures for the diseases of our time is our greatest commitment. That's why at Pfizer we apply science and our global resources to provide therapies that help extend and substantially improve people's lives at all stages of life. Consistent with our responsibility as one of the world's leading innovative biopharmaceutical companies, we collaborate with healthcare professionals, governments, and local communities to help promote and expand access to quality, affordable, and reliable healthcare across the globe. We have leading medications for the prevention and treatment of disease across a wide range of therapeutic areas. Further,
To ensure our sustained commitment to patients, healthcare professionals, consumers, and also our shareholders, we are focused on improving the way we do business; We operate under the highest ethical standards, we promote transparency in everything we do and we listen to the opinions of all the people involved in the decision-making process related to health. Together, we work with a universe that brings together patients, health professionals, governmental and non-governmental organizations, under the conviction that only through collaborative work between different actors can we seriously address the complexity of today's and tomorrow's health issues. .
For more than 60 years, Pfizer has been working in Argentina to bring patients closer to therapies that help extend and substantially improve their lives in areas such as oncology, inflammation, cardiology, rare diseases, vaccines, pain and neuroscience.
With more than $ 52 million invested in the past five years in high-tech equipment at our local manufacturing plant, we were able to increase production capacity, replace imports, and expand the volume of exports. The plant currently supplies 85% of the units marketed by Pfizer in Argentina.
Our purpose is to innovate to change the lives of patients. At Pfizer, we believe that people deserve to live better, and we are tirelessly committed to bringing safe, effective and affordable medicines to patients.
Each person is unique and has the potential to individually and positively impact global health. The voice of each of these people inspires us to develop new medicines that change their lives and to actively collaborate in the search for innovative solutions to the great challenges posed by public health in the 21st century.
At Pfizer, the commitment to being a transparent business, based on the values of ethics and integrity, is the cornerstone of the way we operate. How things are done is as important as the product or service that is offered. In our case, we have a huge challenge ahead of us: to ensure people's health; and we know that it is only possible to achieve this if we take the right path.
Our Compliance department promotes this culture of ethics and integrity, ensuring compliance with the laws and company policies. It is a cross-sectional department, which is involved with each of the areas since, if one link in the chain fails to sustain this commitment, the effect can impact the entire organization.
In this sense, through our Compliance program, we seek to promote a culture of integrity, proactively identify risks, prevent non-compliance, and detect and respond to potential violations of Pfizer laws and policies. Our program is based on an open door and anti-retaliation policy. The "Tone at the Top" is essential to convey the importance of a real and effective commitment to transparency.