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There are so many huge of varaities are in solar water heater that are below
v-guard solar water heater 100 ltr price
v-guard solar water heater 150 ltr price in coimbatore
v-guard solar water heater 200 ltr price in coimbatore
v-guard solar water heater 100 ltr price in coimbatore
100 liter solar water heater (SWH) is the lowest capacity in all types of solar water heater. It is the cheapest option available for getting warm water without increasing electricity bills. The heater is cost-effective, efficient and durable when installed on a small scale establishment. 100 liter SWH is sufficient for a small home to connect with a single bathroom for a small family of 2-3 members.
A 100 litre solar water heater works on the thermosiphon principle to use energy from the sun to heat cold water. It has solar collectors to collect sun rays and an insulating storage tank to keep the hot water for a considerable time. Besides, it comes with a supporting stand, connecting pipes and other tools. Its operation is eco-friendly and requires very low cost.
A 100L solar water heater can be a great electric geyser that can save around 1500 units of electricity in a year. Hence, with a 100L water heater, you can get warm water at a temperature of 50-70°C saving a huge amount of electricity at a very handy price. Keep reading to know about the types, price list and specifications of the solar water heater.
There are so many huge of varaities are in solar water heater that are below
v-guard solar water heater 100 ltr price
v-guard solar water heater 150 ltr price in coimbatore
v-guard solar water heater 200 ltr price in coimbatore
v-guard solar water heater 100 ltr price in coimbatore
100 liter solar water heater (SWH) is the lowest capacity in all types of solar water heater. It is the cheapest option available for getting warm water without increasing electricity bills. The heater is cost-effective, efficient and durable when installed on a small scale establishment. 100 liter SWH is sufficient for a small home to connect with a single bathroom for a small family of 2-3 members.
A 100 litre solar water heater works on the thermosiphon principle to use energy from the sun to heat cold water. It has solar collectors to collect sun rays and an insulating storage tank to keep the hot water for a considerable time. Besides, it comes with a supporting stand, connecting pipes and other tools. Its operation is eco-friendly and requires very low cost.
A 100L solar water heater can be a great electric geyser that can save around 1500 units of electricity in a year. Hence, with a 100L water heater, you can get warm water at a temperature of 50-70°C saving a huge amount of electricity at a very handy price. Keep reading to know about the types, price list and specifications of the solar water heater.
A 100L solar water heater has lots of features that affect its price. The features include the quality of the heater, its type, brand and also your location site. The area you are from determines the amount of subsidy you’ll get to install the heater and that affects the overall price of the solar water heater. Basically, 100 liter solar water heater price starts from Rs. 15,000 in ETC to Rs. 35,000 depending on type, technology and brand of solar water heaters. The detailed price list of 100L solar water heaters is mentioned below
Capacity in Litres per dayNumber of Persons using hot waterPriceWIN HOT ECO 100 Ltr Price2 to 422,500WIN-HOT PLUS SERIES 100 ltr Price2 to 424,000WIN-HOT PLUS H SERIES 100 Ltr Price2 to 425,100V HOT NON-PRESSURIZED SERIES 100Ltr Price3 to 426,550V HOT PRESSURIZED SERIES2 to 426,600V HOT PRESSURIZED SERIES2 to 426,000V HOT SERIES 100 Ltr Price2 to 430,000WIN-HOT DAF SERIES 100 Ltr Price2 to 430,000