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GardnerFrankhouser, LLP is a law firm that provides legal counsel and advocacy to clients in the areas of employment law, labor law, civil litigation and appellate work. We are committed to providing our clients with the best possible representation by exploring their needs thoroughly and being responsive to their individual circumstances. Our attorneys have extensive experience in negotiating favorable resolutions for our clients through voluntary agreements or mediation. However, we also provide aggressive representation when necessary by litigating cases on behalf of our client's interests in courtrooms across the country.
Employees may be terminated “at will” for a variety of reasons that are legal, but no employee in the State of Pennsylvania may be fired for an illegal reason such as employer retaliation or discrimination. Unfortunately, however, some employers still violate workers’ rights in this state. If a dispute with your employer emerges, contact the law offices of GardnerFrankhouser immediately to learn about your legal options or to begin the legal process. We handle employment contracts, harassment, discrimination, wage and hour, and employment rights claims. In any dispute with an employer, you should have – and you should adhere to – the advice of an experienced employment lawyer.
Pittsburgh employment attorney Lew Gardner is a former senior human resources executive with more than three decades of experience in private practice and corporate settings. His background gives him unique insights into how corporate dynamics affect the resolution of employment issues. At GardnerFrankhouser, Lew advocates for the rights of employees while also advising and representing executives, senior managers, and professionals regarding the legal issues arising from the creation or termination of an employment relationship. Lew is a graduate of Duke University and the Wake Forest University School of Law. He is a member of the American Bar Association, the Pennsylvania Bar Association, and the Allegheny County Bar Association.
Employment Lawyers With a Practical Approach
Too often, highly paid executives and professionals do not seek the advice of a lawyer before signing an agreement or taking action that might violate their contractual obligations. Other times, they seek advice from the company’s lawyer even though the company’s lawyer is ethically prohibited from giving them advice. Worse yet, these otherwise sophisticated and well-educated individuals rely on cocktail party advice or the helpful suggestions of a lawyer who is a friend of a friend or relative.
We’ve seen it many times, and it is a “penny wise and pound foolish” approach. Seeking the advice of a qualified employment lawyer is worth the investment.
For example, if you have a difference of opinion with your former employer over a non-compete, there are often commonsense business solutions that can and should be pursued early in the process of negotiating a new agreement or well before litigation escalates to the point where positions and feelings have hardened. Companies usually appreciate efforts to seek business solutions in lieu of sometimes unnecessary litigation. Arriving at those solutions requires patience, effective communication with the other side, and good business sense. That’s what we offer.
Likewise, early due diligence is especially important in cases involving harassment and retaliation. The law prohibits unlawful employment practices, but it does not prohibit bad management. In corporate America, there is plenty of both to go around, but it is important to tell the difference between the two as early as possible. Our management experience gives us a unique ability to make that distinction in order to advise clients whether they have a case.
Attorney Lew has experience in all aspects of employment law including advising employers about hiring practices and defending employees who have been terminated unfairly. His practice also includes representing executives and professionals with issues arising from their employment relationships such as non-compete agreements or restrictive covenants not to compete. Contact Lew today at (412) 903-7720 to discuss your specific needs.