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The cost, time and scope of work is fixed in the contract. We perform the entire range of repair work for non-commercial and commercial properties.
IVS Construction is a local, fast growing home improvement company that operates in the Greater Pittsburgh Area. We specialize in whole house remodeling projects and provide our customers with exceptional project management and transparent budget estimates. We are licensed and insured in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, PA165977
Working Principles
Our goal: to make repairs easy, transparent and understandable for you. And if necessary, remotely.
You get all repair services in one place
Weekly photo-report
Completed and scheduled work. If necessary, we provide photos and videos of the facility.
Payment for results
We work without advance payment. You pay after each completed step.
Price, time and amount of work are fixed and guaranteed by contract.
We save all payments for repair work and invoices for materials.
The foreman explains everything and answers your questions: financial and technological.
Stages of cooperation
You leave an application or call
Job evaluation
We measure the working area and types of work
Cost calculation
Up to 3 working days
Conclusion of a contract
With fixed cost, terms and scope of work
Selection of materials
Agreement, purchase and delivery.
Implementation stage - acceptance of work - payment.
And so on to the end.
What kind of repair services we provide? All
You don't need additional contractors - we have everything in one place. You can choose either one service or a complex.
1. Interior Design
Technical design project, 3-D visualization and copyright support.
2. Documentation support
Consultation and assistance in meter installation, design.
3. Selection of materials
We consult you and select materials. We are also engaged in purchasing and delivery.
4. Complex repairs
The whole range of works: from laying mosaics to the construction swimming pool and concrete structures.
5. Technique and furniture acceptance
We check the technical equipment and furniture for proper appearance.
6. Cleaning
We clean the room and remove all garbage after repairs.